What do brands and DJs have in common?

As someone who spent a good chunk of my younger years dancing up a storm in some of Sydney’s most eclectic clubs, returning to the dance music scene after a hiatus was a revelation. From career climbs and regional relocations to raising a child, I really rediscovered the exhilaration of dance music this year. That experience got me reflecting on how DJs—and the music world as a whole—offer valuable lessons for brands seeking to thrive.

The energy and passion a DJ brings to their set can serve as a powerful metaphor for brands striving to stand out, stay relevant, and deeply connect with their audience. Here’s what we can learn from DJs who do it their own way:

1. Give the People What They Want—By Asking

Fred Again, the celebrated music producer and DJ, doesn’t just assume what his fans desire. He engages them directly, asking for feedback on potential tracks through WhatsApp messages, creating a personal connection akin to chatting with a friend. This approach results in music finely tuned to his audience’s desires.

Brands often fall into the trap of guessing what customers want. Instead, take a page from Fred’s playbook: actively involve your audience through surveys, social media polls, or direct conversations. Listening to your customers not only shows you care but also fosters a lasting connection.

2. Do What You Love—Let Your Passion Shine

A DJ’s genuine love for their set creates an electric atmosphere that audiences can’t resist. The same principle applies to brands. When you’re passionate about what you do, it shows. Brands driven by true passion, like Patagonia or Loco Love Chocolate, exude authenticity that resonates with their audience. Your enthusiasm can turn customers into loyal fans.

3. Diversify Your Offering—With Purpose

DJs are not just about their music. They’re diversifying into collaborations, merchandise, and even beverages—like Hard Fizz, a seltzer from Aussie DJs and friends. Diversification can open new revenue streams and keep your brand fresh, but it must align with your core values and your audience's interests. Don’t diversify for the sake of it; ensure new ventures resonate with what your brand stands for.

4. Partner Up—Bring Your Mates

Collaboration is a cornerstone of the DJ world. Whether it’s Fisher sampling JLo on a track or surprise sets with friends, partnerships bring fresh perspectives and new audiences. For brands, the right partnerships can unlock new markets and add vitality to your brand. Choose collaborators who share your values and can enhance your offering.

5. Make People Feel Special

Fred Again recently surprised fans by upgrading their $10 tickets to VIP status at a larger gig. It wasn’t about flashy promotions but about making people feel valued. Brands should focus on genuine gestures of appreciation, like personal thank-you notes or exclusive offers. Small acts of kindness can significantly boost customer loyalty.

6. Create Connection in a Crowded Room

Even in a vast crowd, a great DJ makes each person feel connected to the music. Similarly, brands should strive to create personal connections with their audience. Leveraging technology for tailored experiences is important, but real human interaction—engaging in conversations, responding to feedback—builds a community that truly cares.

7. Lift Others Up

Fred Again’s (yes, I’m talking about him again) support for local DJs, including helping with last minute passport issues, exemplifies how uplifting others benefits everyone. In the business world, mentoring, featuring customer stories, or collaborating with smaller brands can reflect positively on you and extend your reach through positive associations.

8. Don’t Let Growth Dilute Your Spark

Let’s talk about Bluesfest in Byron Bay who recently made the crushing announcement that next year would be its last. It’s one of the most epic festivals, but as it has grown, has it lost some of the magic that made it unique? Is it because the stages, the acts, even the food feel a bit too predictable now? Growth often requires process and structure, but when a brand becomes too formulaic, it risks losing the creative spark that made it special in the first place. Brands must find ways to maintain their unique appeal and sense of discovery, even as they expand.

The joy a DJ brings to their craft can offer invaluable insights for brands. Passion, connection, and a focus on what matters to your audience can transform your business into something truly memorable. As you build your brand, take inspiration from the DJ booth: stay connected, stay passionate, and always strive to give your audience what they want.


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